All Done With "Ups"

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I'm done with Ups. As in all done. Ad infinitum. Ups. Say the word out loud right now, perhaps for the last time. The very last time. "Ups."

"ABC: Always Be Closing" and "Coffee's for closers" are two of the few catchphrases from the speech in the movie "Glengarry Glen Ross" that Alec Baldwin repeatedly calls the real estate salesmen insulting names and tells them, “We’re adding something special to this month’s sales contest. First prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired.” 

Is this the kind of salesperson you want representing your brand?

Now, close your eyes and imagine a front desk manager at any Ritz Carlton hotel asking a professional bellman under his supervision to render assistance to a car full of "Ups" who had just arrived to stay at their (the manager's and the bellman's) hotel. You and I both know that it would never, ever happen.

Not a chance.

Why? Because the Ritz Carlton trains its employees to the highest possible standard and because the Ritz Carlton demands that its employees behave with uncommon courtesy and show total respect to hotel customers at all times. Period. End of discussion or end of employment.

"Ups." Only in the wonderful car biz would leaders at all levels allow the open use of such a degrading and demeaning plural noun which, each and every time it is uttered, diminishes the humanity and the value of the person to whom it refers. The singular variant "up" is just as horrific.

Was my beloved wife of 17 years a floor "Up" because I met her face to face at our common workplace, almost two decades ago? 

Is a lost child who approaches you on your dealership's front line and seeks your assistance merely, in your mind, a floor "up's" kid, or also, like my wife, someone far more important deserving a more respectful appellation, despite his or her tender age?

Is a stranger who calls you because she has heard that your company is an outstanding place to do business and that you are a helpful sales professional one of many phone "ups", or an individual person worthy of receiving your undivided attention, your genuine respect and hearing friendly words of welcome?

I know what you're saying: "We only call 'em 'Ups' when they can't hear us."

Uh huh. Right.

Call your CRM provider today. Tell them you're all done with "Ups" being used as a word in any of their literature, reports or software.

Ditto for your OEM's regional field rep.

Ditto for your sales, fixed ops and admin teams.

Tell them you're all done with "Ups", or they may just be all done with you.

Ditto for your 20 Group colleagues who may be surprised at first but who may then concur with your audacious decision to be all done with "ups", once and for all.

Long-term bad verbal habits are extremely hard to break. Be consistent. Be firm. Lead by example. Let the word get out loudly and clearly in no uncertain terms: this is one courageous dealer principal who is all done with "ups", and with good reason. It's all about your customer. She is either merely one of many "ups" listed on a sales or fixed ops reporting sheet, or she is an interesting, respected and valued human being who will return with regularity to patronize your business and who will tell her family, friends and colleagues to do the same. That woman, either your valued loyal customer, or just one of your dealership's many "ups", is handing her VISA card to your cashier right now. Who is she? It's all up to you. 

Hint: Be all done with "Ups", and watch with amazement and pleasure as the entire customer experience at your dealership improves, one "valued loyal customer" at a time. 

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