Transaction into Interaction: A Compass for the Service Drive Katie Mares, Selling to womenCenter for Performance ImprovementJune 12, 2018Katie Mares, Selling to women on the service drive, Selling to women, Customer Experience, Customer Service, Service Retention, Service Greeting 0 Comments
Tailor the Sales Experience to the Decision Maker - Katie Mares Women in Automotive, Katie MaresCenter for Performance ImprovementMay 12, 2018women in automotive, women in the auto industry, selling to women, Katie Mares, Consumer Brand Experience, CX, Customer Experience, Delivery Gap 0 Comments
Consider Life Stages to Understand the Female Consumer Katie Mares, Selling to womenCenter for Performance ImprovementMay 8, 2018selling to women, Katie Mares, Consumer personas, Customer Experience, CX, JD Power SSI 0 Comments